Origami Viking Ship
Thursday, May 30 by Amanda D.
I've decided the take what I will call the "Jenna Marbles" approach to posting: as long as it's up sometime on Thursday, its still counts as my scheduled Thursday post ;) Or I hear it also goes by the procrastination method as well.
I first folded this design over a month ago on my usual experimental paper: an 8.5in square made from standard printer paper. By the end it had turned out quite small (which made it very cute), but still the folds were not near as precise as I wished them to be.
Just over a week ago it was my birthday, and as I was clearing out the wrapping paper and cards I decided to save a particularly large unwrinkled and barely creased piece of wrapping paper. I thought maybe down the road I would have a clever origami use for it. And also it was a shame to throw such a nice piece of paper away :)
Anyhow, I persevered to create this masterpiece, which while still not perfect, was an improvement and a good experiment. Even the colors turned out well! And then I couldn't help taking a photo or two of the dragon boat family. The little one looks so cute in comparison. And it makes for a good story of perseverance in origami. If it doesn't go well the first time, take break and come back to it with fresh eyes, you'll be amazed at the difference a lil' breather can make!
Category boat, lang, origami, paper, schedule, Thursday thoughts
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