Archive for November 2012
Christmas is coming
Friday, November 30 by Amanda D.
Category 12 days, Christmas, origami, paper, schedule
Wednesday, November 28 by Amanda D.
Hello, here are some recent things I've been folding: a cute 3-D elephant, a sea star from a new book, and a cool star box.
Sea star is from The complete book of origami by Robert Lang, and the star box is from GoOrigami.
Hope you're having a wonderful day!
Category animals, boxes, elephant, origami, recent
An experiment in Tesselations
Monday, November 26 by Amanda D.
So... I'm not the biggest fan of tessellations or modular origami, for that matter. I like the image/nature-orientated origami and am not as much into the geometric parts/repetition side. However recently I decided to give it a try with a design I really like. Hydrangea by Shuzo Fujimoto is fairly simple for 3 layers and after several practice rounds I decided to add multiple layers. Here's my model progression.
-four layers out of a square made from letter paper, hence the binder hole
-5 layers!
Category origami, tessellation
Woodland creatures
Thursday, November 22 by Amanda D.
Well, I was all ready to devote my time to some Thanksgiving decor when I hit a wall. There are very few origami designs out there for Turkey day. Yes, a few turkeys, but nothing too advanced or elegant. So I decided to make a bunch of other fall creatures to join my lone turkey.
turkey. instructions: 'thanksgiving turkey' on Origami Resource Center.
frog on a lily-pad. instructions: by Collin Weber.
fox. instructions: YouTube.
squirrel (and apple). forgot to take pics of this one before i gave it to my friend to fuel her squirrel obsession. instructions: YouTube
I really like how the frog on a lily pad design turned out. Using double sided paper definitely helps complete the look. Otherwise half the pad is white and half is the frog's color. A lot of the themed origami designs come from happypuppytruffles on YouTube. Check out her designs here. Most of them are great for beginners/intermediates.
Category fall, fox, frog, origami, squirrel, thanksgiving, turkey